posted ago by FreshFriggy ago by FreshFriggy +30 / -0

So many people think and publicly state that the mask mandates are all about controlling society and gaining mass compliance with their citizens and I could not disagree with that more. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. This is all about money. Every single aspect of it.

It could be argued that constantly wearing mask weakens your immune system by blocking majority of your exposure of natural daily bacteria, but the mask themselves also create potentially dangerous medical conditions. And somebody profits from those medical conditions.

Now I ended up in a debate about the validity of the vaccines in a Toronto University sub In which I theorized that the purpose of the mask was to create additional health complications that big pharma would profit off of. The general consensus was that I was wildly insane.

But one person asked me if I could provide a link to support such a claim. The answer to that was a resounding 'yes'.

With a very quick duckduckgo search you find an article titled "65 Studies Reveals Face Masks DO Cause Physical Harm" https://principia-scientific.com/65-studies-reveals-face-masks-do-cause-physical-harm/

A person I shared this exchange with quickly pointed me to an article titled "47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects" https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/47-studies-confirm-inefectiveness-of-masks-for-covid-and-32-more-confirm-their-negative-health-effects/

So the studies are out there that habitual wearing of mask is harmful to your health, yet people are convinced that they are saving lives and couldn't possibly make you sick when the actual studies show the opposite.

This was never about compliance, it was about the government and big pharma working hand in hand to make each other money. Money has always been what this is all about. Its why Obama forced healthcare on everybody and if you didn't have it you got fined. Because they were going to take your money even if you didn't want to sign on.

Mask are about making you sick and paying for treatment and nothing to do with controlling sheep by showing compliance.