Knock if off. Hold the line. Look at it from a higher POV. Things are happening and more frequently by the day. This is a war on a large field- global and orbital, physically, spiritually and psychologically. We will be much better off when it is all done. Think, WWII was over 4 years, even longer if you were a “Jew” in Germany. Losing a job or something is far better then hiding in a basement for months fearing death even minute; limited food, water, a bath, a was much worse.
And I'm ending my day losing hope and wondering if any of this shit is real. Long fucking movie. Gone with the Wind ain't got shit on this.
Knock if off. Hold the line. Look at it from a higher POV. Things are happening and more frequently by the day. This is a war on a large field- global and orbital, physically, spiritually and psychologically. We will be much better off when it is all done. Think, WWII was over 4 years, even longer if you were a “Jew” in Germany. Losing a job or something is far better then hiding in a basement for months fearing death even minute; limited food, water, a bath, a was much worse.
I agree. This Wood/Flynn/Powell stuff is bothering me.
Don’t read too much into. Probably pyops