Knock if off. Hold the line. Look at it from a higher POV. Things are happening and more frequently by the day. This is a war on a large field- global and orbital, physically, spiritually and psychologically. We will be much better off when it is all done. Think, WWII was over 4 years, even longer if you were a “Jew” in Germany. Losing a job or something is far better then hiding in a basement for months fearing death even minute; limited food, water, a bath, a was much worse.
Knock if off. Hold the line. Look at it from a higher POV. Things are happening and more frequently by the day. This is a war on a large field- global and orbital, physically, spiritually and psychologically. We will be much better off when it is all done. Think, WWII was over 4 years, even longer if you were a “Jew” in Germany. Losing a job or something is far better then hiding in a basement for months fearing death even minute; limited food, water, a bath, a was much worse.
I agree. This Wood/Flynn/Powell stuff is bothering me.
Don’t read too much into. Probably pyops