does this mean I'm going to die if I don't get the clot shot? do I need to build a shrine to fuhrer Fauxi to continue to live?
On a serious note, I'm gonna do what I can to break the fever. I already feel miserable.
does this mean I'm going to die if I don't get the clot shot? do I need to build a shrine to fuhrer Fauxi to continue to live?
On a serious note, I'm gonna do what I can to break the fever. I already feel miserable.
Do the ivermectin, hydroxy or quercetin with zinc stat!
Don’t wait until it gets bad.
I've been taking zinc for months. Used to take quercetin daily, but it lowered the level of my anti-seizure medication, so I'm only going to use it when I need to. I have that eeeeevil, dangerous horse paste, but just one dose left.