Quite a lot of people are iodine deficient these days. Iodised salt isn't enough.
I bought some Lugol's iodine drops. I rinsed with and drank some water with iodine in today because I have a sore throat. I do it anyway most days to make sure I'm not iodine deficient.
Quite a lot of people are iodine deficient these days. Iodised salt isn't enough.
I bought some Lugol's iodine drops. I rinsed with and drank some water with iodine in today because I have a sore throat. I do it anyway most days to make sure I'm not iodine deficient.
if you have shellfish allergies, iodine can't be used...
Do not use iodine if you have thyroid problems.
But the nasal spray..works on covid…yes in Canada they published that rhinaris COLD nasal spray knocks out covid early stages.
I bought four cans in case they pulled them from the shelves…cause you know they pulled the article pretty quick