I see a TON of posts directing anger at complicit doctors and hospitals. But the truth is that most people have received their shots at a local pharmacy, not at their doctor’s office.
Most people made the decision, based on media pressure and peer pressure, to go to these chains to get their shots.
This was done deliberately by Pfizer / Moderna / FDA. Doctors with a set patient population would see the adverse events happening in real time. Their patients would come back, complain to them, and they wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle of urgent cares, ERs, or waiting for their side effects to pass. More adverse events would be recorded and sent in because more docs would feel obligated to do so.
As it stands now, docs can push the jab without being personally responsible or liable for it. Or patients go get the jab and tell their doctor after the fact. This was done to specially cut doctors out of the equation and to get people used to trusting government and media for their “health care”.
I see a TON of posts directing anger at complicit doctors and hospitals. But the truth is that most people have received their shots at a local pharmacy, not at their doctor’s office.
Most people made the decision, based on media pressure and peer pressure, to go to these chains to get their shots.
This was done deliberately by Pfizer / Moderna / FDA. Doctors with a set patient population would see the adverse events happening in real time. Their patients would come back, complain to them, and they wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle of urgent cares, ERs, or waiting for their side effects to pass. More adverse events would be recorded and sent in because more docs would feel obligated to do so.
As it stands now, docs can push the jab without being personally responsible or liable for it. Or patients go get the jab and tell their doctor after the fact. This was done to specially cut doctors out of the equation and to get people used to trusting government and media for their “health care”.
Brilliant and I believe a correct deduction.