But, OSHA does have regulatory authority to levy fines of significant cost and time-consuming distraction to businesses. OSHA inspections and harassment are one of the biggest nightmares a business can face. Not just in fines, but also the added cost in time and money to jump through the hoops to bring a business into OSHA compliance. Like any other governmental regulatory entity, once a business is on the OSHA radar, it is like trying to release oneself from the jaws of an alligator. OSHA will continue to squeeze every last drop of blood possible just because they can.
But, OSHA does have regulatory authority to levy fines of significant cost and time-consuming distraction to businesses. OSHA inspections and harassment are one of the biggest nightmares a business can face. Not just in fines, but also the added cost in time and money to jump through the hoops to bring a business into OSHA compliance. Like any other governmental regulatory entity, once a business is on the OSHA radar, it is like trying to release oneself from the jaws of an alligator. OSHA will continue to squeeze every last drop of blood possible just because they can.