Does anyone have some positive outlook on the vax pass being wildly rejected here in America?
I'm not getting the jab and I absolutely hate the idea that it's being forced upon people to exist in society. I keep telling my wife that there are lots of failsafes in our legal system to help fight against it, including patriots using the second amendment. However, my Outlook is grim.
There has to be millions of us that refuse and there has to be some vaccinated individuals who see the problem with forcing it. I've already seen and actually spoken with people who got the first jab thinking it will allow them to go back to normal. Now that it appears they will be forced to take a shot at the government's request in order to participate in society, they are mad as hell. Even a few told me they would refuse and further boosters.
This is madness. The vaccine should be a personal choice since it's a remedy that only "helps" the person injected. However, we all know that it's not about the vaccine, it's about getting people rolled into a system that can track their compliance and remove them from society should they refuse the next injection or demand.
I need hope.
OP there is a lot of hopeful points in your own post. It seems like slow motion to people already awake, but normies are waking up and the ongoing covid overreach is the major catalyst.
When the normies I know are refusing the booster, calling it poison, and saying they want to catch Omicron to get this thing over with, that’s major progress.
Our resistance is not futile, we are pushing things forward, it just feels like hand to hand combat, because it is. And it is necessary. The internet delivers the hollow promise of easily spreading a message. We now know there are so many layers of censorship, our message seldom gets through.
But the concept of six degrees of separation is still valid and is like digitalis for a digital world. Keep red pilling, none of us know which straw will break the camel’s back, but the tipping point cannot be that far away.