“Vaccinations only prove that you can inject someone
with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person
hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple
sclerosis, lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red
and white blood cells, ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas,
stomach and bowels, seizures and death. Vaccinations provide
zero immunity. True immunity that leads to health and fitness
can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.”
“Vaccinations only prove that you can inject someone with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple sclerosis, lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red and white blood cells, ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, stomach and bowels, seizures and death. Vaccinations provide zero immunity. True immunity that leads to health and fitness can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.”