I went to church today, in the people's republic of Cambridge MA. Beautiful old historic church. I love to visit when I'm around as had the father of this nation & several others as time passed around it.
I had tried to go a week or so ago & walked out when they insisted I wear a mask. I went back again that night for Christmas carols determined to just go in & sing anyways but that time no one bothered me except afterwards, a woman touched me on her way out. I thought, shit this is it but no, she just complemented my voice. On the way out I noticed she was a church official though....
So today I tried again to go to service. Someone handed me a mask as I entered. This time I took it, sat down & put it on the pew. They must have had their eye out for me because someone came right up to me insisting I put it on. I just pointed to the person standing at the pulpit. They went & another person came * another & another. A lady came by insisting I put it on then a man, then another lady. She must have been higher up or something. She offered to just have be sit at the back of the church. Each time I refused & pointing to the person at the pulpit.
I was starting to get worried that they would call the cops & concerned about other things I would need to do the next day or two if detained. Finally an elder gentleman with white hair & bright blue eyes that had a certain peace about them came to talk to me. Slightly apologetically he told me & that he knows this seems silly but it is the law to put a mask on. I said you have had other people in this church who have broken the law. I could see that he understood what I meant & was kinder & seemed more understanding (This church prides its self in the fact that Washington would go to church there when he was up north as did Martin Luther King on occasion as well, centuries later)
The elder gentleman came back a few times as well. Another time I used the word calling. Because it is! I certainly do not enjoy being harassed about a mask when there are other churches. I could see that he understood in the higher sense (but he probably has to negotiate with other people's concerns) I could definitely see that understanding in his eyes. One time he asked me "so you are refusing to leave?" I told him I didn't want to answer. (Underneath all this though, I could see that we were building a sort mutual understanding of a sort) The last time he came he said "this is your civil disobedience?" He understood (but I was still afraid they might call the cops) He was concerned I would go up for communion. I told him I won't. I also put my hat down by my mouth as a compromise.
The main thing is getting through to them & think I did. On leaving I didn't see the older gentlemen but I saw one of the ladies & it was a cordial nod & wave. This is right in the epicenter of liberal thought. "Civil disobedience" is the sorts of words they understand. I can't expect to red pill them but I hopefully jogged a little bit of understanding. Maybe someone else, at some other point will take them a little further....
Thank you fren! tbh, I don't really enjoy doing that but yes, I think I might have got them to realize something. & I am very thankful they were not worse!!!
You did the right thing.