Where I live soon the vaccine will be mandated. I have been preparing my "defense" for a few weeks now.
I found this curiosity; If you read this document:
You will find under Section 6.1 that two chemical compounds called "ALC-0315" and "ALC-0159" are contained in the comirnaty vaccine.
If you look at what those are, you end up at a company called "Echelon":
Now at the time of writing both of these links are broken, but I have found the tech sheets of both chemicals using the internet archive.
And in the tech sheets for both chemicals it specifically says: "For research purpose only! Not for human use!"
Maybe it helps someone out there. Maybe it will redpill some friends or family.
I agree, but here the argument is sort of like: "Corona is bad. The vaccines are harmless and work very well. There is no alternative. The pandemic can only end if everyone gets vaccinated." The politicians have to show there is a need to go against the constitutional rights of the individual.
My point is to show that there is no need:
Finally, I could go into a lot of philosophical arguments, but I am not sure saying: "My body, my choice" would mean anything to a judge, because the laws are already such that in certain circumstances your body is no longer yours. Of course, this is something I will never agree to, but you have to tackle this problem from every angle and I think it is easiest to start from a pandemic perspective.
Today I will be writing to a lot of members of parliament. Not everything is lost yet.