Trump told a crowd last June that hospitals were ..can't remember exact wording but obsolete procedures done with. That med beds were coming in a year or so and DNA altered..I guess he means using crispr tech No!ogy to cure autism disease and age regression so people would be thirty years younger. I think him and pompeo already had how they look now
It has been rapidly declining for last 30 years. The Shamdemic exposed Medical Professionals, and the Pharma corruption to more people.
Trump told a crowd last June that hospitals were ..can't remember exact wording but obsolete procedures done with. That med beds were coming in a year or so and DNA altered..I guess he means using crispr tech No!ogy to cure autism disease and age regression so people would be thirty years younger. I think him and pompeo already had how they look now
"The ones you trust the most."
Feeling sad? Here's a pill.
Feeling angry? Here's a pill.
Can't go to the bathroom? Here's a pill.
Going to the bathroom too much? Here's a pill.