A nurse who attends our church and was fired 3 weeks ago for refusing the shot - was called two days ago and rehired.
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
He negotiated compensation for lost wages and a raise and also is refusing testing. (This is in Wisconsin)
Ascension has been calling back nurses in other states.
Don't comply. They need you! YOU have the power!
Congratulations! Sounds like he came out ontop. Im not a nurse but work in a hospital in CA. They placed me on Unpaid LOA for the last 3 months now.Since i havnt been fired, i cant get unemployment. Recently got an email saying that they were going to extend the LOA for another 3 months, for our benefit. So tired of this. Cosidering movingly out of CA with my wife and kids now. She is really against is as her parents all live in the area. Anyway thanks for reading, i am quite bummed these days even if i don't show it. Trying to stay strong for my family.
God bless you all
Sounds like they are trying to get you to quit instead of firing you so you can’t come back and sue them for firing you. I’m assuming if you quit you can’t get unemployment either, right? So they are screwing you either way from claiming unemployment. Maybe you can keep “showing up to work” till they either put you back on the payroll or they fire you.
Keep at trying to convince your wife to move out of Cali, her parents don’t get a vote in your decision. How is Nevada compared to Cali in terms of being unvaxxed to work? That way you won’t have to travel too far if you move.
Correct they dont. I tell her my parents dont have a say in what we do. We married eachother. Have not really looked into Nevada, been looking more at Texas. We dont have family and dont know anyone there, which in part is why she is hesitant to move. We have been to Austin a few times but its too Liberal, and has gotten expensive. Looking at places with a hospital within an hour. God Bless you
I just figured Nevada (if it's better environment than Cali) would be close enough for her family to visit or vice versa.
We've moved to new places a lot while husband was in the military & then worked in federal job, so I understand your wife's hesitancy, but she may love it somewhere else more than where you live now.
We have friends that the husband got a good job in another state, but his wife was uncertain & scared about moving to a new place. We told her she may love it more than AL (where all her family is). They love it so much they don't plan on moving back to AL. Yeah you are further from family, but sometimes that's a good thing, they aren't always in your business, lol.
I've moved around my entire life. I've never "grew up" in one place. My family moved every so many years, so I grew up in NJ & Fl (and in 3 different parts of FL each time we went back), then when I got married, it was FL, GA, NC, VA and now in AL. We've been in Alabama the longest than any other place we've lived, and it's the place I've lived the longest my whole life.