Biden ain't going his full term.
I'm not sure how much is faked and how much is legit, at this point, but his medical problems are obvious.
Why did he pick Kamala?
She was ridiculously unpopular in the primaries AND played the race card on Joe.
She was that little girl.
She's also completely expendable.
Blackmail her, like they do everyone else, and she resigns.
Biden pics Hillary, resigns for medical reasons, and 2016 is corrected.
Hell, she can make Barack Obama her VP and he can get his old job back when she gets chucked into another SUV like a side of beef.
The walls are closing in?
You bet your sweet bippy they are! The cockroaches are in the light trapped in a corner. Now we just gotta spray them with MAGA strength pest killer and a healthy dose of holy water