We're in the shit hole known as Brooklyn, NY. She got the "mandate" from her job, and instead of talking about what to do, she's folding like a cheap suit and is gonna get the goddamn shot.
Hell, she was all gung-ho initially when she got the memo. I told her don't give it, let them fire you then you sue them and win and you can retire (because she's already 67). But no, without even talking to me about any dangers, she's decided she's going to get it.
I've been sick of her retarded, narcissistic, idiotic bullshit for 30 years. I swear, she sometimes seems like she has the IQ of a fucking rock.
But goddamnit, why the fuck can't she just talk to me about it?
Fine tune your attitude toward your mother. I know it's frustrating. But it's her free will. And if you talked to me like that my child of any age....your biggest fear wouldnt be the clot shot. Dont make her poison your food!
Because someone who would poison their child’s food is obviously worthy of respect just for being their “elder”.
Respect is earned.