Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump
9m · Joe Biden was supposedly “elected” because he was going to quickly get rid of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus. How’s that working out?
Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump
9m · Joe Biden was supposedly “elected” because he was going to quickly get rid of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus. How’s that working out?
GEOTUS has ALWAYS said the jab is YOUR CHOICE and has also informed us of the wonderful therapeutics that work great! If you CHOSE to get the jab then that is on you! Me, I am a pureblood:)
So there are 5 blood types now... A, B, AB, O and PB?
I am AB negative PB ..... muh blood will be priceless!
I wish AB- would stop broadcasting their status. You’re shining a spotlight on you!
I hate to tell you but AB is a universal receiver which is great for you, only or other rare ABs. Its actually universal donor O, that tho common, still always will be the most benefit and therefore of value. But Im with you on the PB part---thats priceless regardless of ABO!
I saw PB and immediately thought Peanut Butter
We are PB and they are JELLY!!!
Exactly. Pureblood here as well
Me and my household are pure bloods and holding the line. We will not comply
He can just stay neutral at this point, and NOT SAY A THING....
This is pure bullshit. Biden was placed in office because of the most corrupt and fraudulent election we know of. Saying Biden was elected because of this or that promise is wrong. Biden was installed as president by pure fraud.
I read somewhere that P. sperm is in high demand. Not sure if that was true or tongue in cheek.