Check me, but I believe this is the outline of what he's going to talk about today?
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I look through that statement and wonder if that is the deploying of command and control or a sort of federal beachhead which they can use for further action.
From the first look at all of that it seems pretty meh and nothing to worry about right. No red lines, nothing strange, they are going to walk in and setup, but no forced anything from the looks of it. . .. yet. There is potential of this movement to be ramped up and used as a tool to strong arm people.
I could see a speech in the future "Were not getting the kind of response we wanted so no now its mandatory and surge teams will be knocking at your door." Ya thats over dramatic, but you get my point, after all, isnt this the same guy who said his patience is wearing thin with people how like freedom and making their own choices?