Is it me or is he looking a lot like a Shill? A crisis actor?
Is it me or is he looking a lot like a Shill? A crisis actor?
TV series called Timeless, leftie shit show on the surface but there are rather lot of shows that have something entirely different under the surface.
Not saying Rittenhouse is a black hat, he certainly wasn't when the judges said he was a hero, but Flynn used to be a whitehat so people change.
However in that TV series the badguys are a in the background family/bloodline, named Rittenhouse.
The thing is, if you are only looking for black and white then that is all you will see and find.
Blackhats are crude and hamhanded, obvious about how they push their agenda in TV and movies, whitehats have help from a perticular grouping that are A LOT better at putting their message into thing, so good that they can change everything under the surface of a show that for all intents and purposes look like an obvious lefite shill-show.
Use discernment, look deeper, realize that there is some white in all black and some black in all white, what matter is what consistently has the upper hand, look below the surface, genuinely good people aren't always that concerned about appearing good and nice, bad people very often make a point out of being 'good' and nice...
If you only look at the surface of the ocean you are missing everything that makes that surface.....