There is relatively little difference between the young people in the military and “order takers” at McDonalds. The upper ranks won’t send people out to round up the traitors and save us. Without the head, the military will not be effectual. The head would rather send people out to kill domestic terrorists aka Patriots. But their not so confident of all their people. So they’ll simply sit on them. It looks like they are demoralizing the troups with CRT & LGBTQ sensitivity training and weakening the forces with the jab. But that could just be on the surface.
Are those combat veterans?
Tranny fluid.
Come on now. We know that tranny fluid is now called gender-neutral shift juice.
Oldie but goodie - but STILL wins the internets today!
same. all the vets at my work are unhealthy democrats, triple jabbed.
Regrettably, the 2 vets and one active Reservist I work with are ALL jabbed.....
There is relatively little difference between the young people in the military and “order takers” at McDonalds. The upper ranks won’t send people out to round up the traitors and save us. Without the head, the military will not be effectual. The head would rather send people out to kill domestic terrorists aka Patriots. But their not so confident of all their people. So they’ll simply sit on them. It looks like they are demoralizing the troups with CRT & LGBTQ sensitivity training and weakening the forces with the jab. But that could just be on the surface.
I know a spec ops vet...triple boosted