This is what happens when your whole worldview is based on fear. Fear of men. Fear of white men. Fear of your own body. Fear of work. Fear of pain. Fear of a virus. Fear of all viri.
I will tell you, such mental patients are almost exclusively women. There may be the odd man or two out there, but they surely would not post about it. They lack the narcissism generally.
People like this need therapy against neurotic anxiety and should surely not be allowed to vote.
I never liked the movie "The Village", because it has the obvious plot-twist in it that we have come to expect from M. Night Shyamalan, but as a way to show the mechanics it works. This is the way I see the pandemic now. It is a few people, the powerful and the ones with a lot of exposure (media) who keep the narrative going. The "children" are very afraid. Only few dare to question. The fearful ones will never give up their fear voluntarily. They have to be led out.
I've known a couple such "men" and honestly they might as well just cut their dicks off and go the whole way if they're going to act like these insane women.
And yes, "The Village" is a good example. Also yeah that twist was seen coming miles away, an actual twist would have been if the monster at the climax had turned out to be real.
The world is full of stupid people....
This is what happens when your whole worldview is based on fear. Fear of men. Fear of white men. Fear of your own body. Fear of work. Fear of pain. Fear of a virus. Fear of all viri.
I will tell you, such mental patients are almost exclusively women. There may be the odd man or two out there, but they surely would not post about it. They lack the narcissism generally.
People like this need therapy against neurotic anxiety and should surely not be allowed to vote.
I never liked the movie "The Village", because it has the obvious plot-twist in it that we have come to expect from M. Night Shyamalan, but as a way to show the mechanics it works. This is the way I see the pandemic now. It is a few people, the powerful and the ones with a lot of exposure (media) who keep the narrative going. The "children" are very afraid. Only few dare to question. The fearful ones will never give up their fear voluntarily. They have to be led out.
I've known a couple such "men" and honestly they might as well just cut their dicks off and go the whole way if they're going to act like these insane women.
And yes, "The Village" is a good example. Also yeah that twist was seen coming miles away, an actual twist would have been if the monster at the climax had turned out to be real.
What a potato.
Natural immunity?
That’s what these people call the « lemon-flavor » in their Columbian « nose administered cough powder ».
climb in a heavy duty hefty bag bitch...dont forget a nice fat zip tie and maybe some duct tape........stupid is as stupid
I never see stuff like that,I could use a good laugh