I'm beginning to wonder if anything is true or is it all just theater? How far does "you're watching a movie" actually go?
Has the CIA won? Is everything we believe, false?
Vaccines created in months? Variants identified in days? Books about the variants written and published in hours and all on nearly the same day?
Now this? A cure from....the Army? The Army? The Army? Why is the Army doing this? WTF else are they doing?
Clearly the GOOD guys are covering up a lot. Not just the bad guys. I think the good guys have some explaining to do for the last 100 years. The Great Awakening might go much further than they would like. They might have to answer for what they've done, too.
I'm with you, fren. Been wondering along the same lines for a while now. We'll probably never know for sure the true nature of our reality. Oh well. I'm getting over it. Getting used to living in a permanent state of confusion.
I'm beginning to wonder if anything is true or is it all just theater? How far does "you're watching a movie" actually go?
Has the CIA won? Is everything we believe, false?
Vaccines created in months? Variants identified in days? Books about the variants written and published in hours and all on nearly the same day?
Now this? A cure from....the Army? The Army? The Army? Why is the Army doing this? WTF else are they doing?
Clearly the GOOD guys are covering up a lot. Not just the bad guys. I think the good guys have some explaining to do for the last 100 years. The Great Awakening might go much further than they would like. They might have to answer for what they've done, too.
I'm with you, fren. Been wondering along the same lines for a while now. We'll probably never know for sure the true nature of our reality. Oh well. I'm getting over it. Getting used to living in a permanent state of confusion.