once you connect the "dots" it becomes quite evident on who is doing this...Khazarian Rothscild Mafia..END ZOG!! Take the Black Pill..our "Slavers" are in Switzerland...how many more coincidences do you need?
I hate to be the one that says this...but where is the storm? This is becoming more of an undeniable elephant in the room. Before I am labeled a troll I have been here from the beginning!!! Sometimes we need to ask the hard questions folks. Hopefully Durham pulls through but regardless of any of this my faith remains firm in one thing, Jesus Christ.
once you connect the "dots" it becomes quite evident on who is doing this...Khazarian Rothscild Mafia..END ZOG!! Take the Black Pill..our "Slavers" are in Switzerland...how many more coincidences do you need?
Thank you! Forwarding this one!
I hate to be the one that says this...but where is the storm? This is becoming more of an undeniable elephant in the room. Before I am labeled a troll I have been here from the beginning!!! Sometimes we need to ask the hard questions folks. Hopefully Durham pulls through but regardless of any of this my faith remains firm in one thing, Jesus Christ.
That’ll be enough of that anti-semitism.
I hope that was sarcasm