Yes, I know there are more 'mirror dates' to come if you use European date styling (DD/MM/YY), but the Plan originated in the States, so I'm sticking with US date styling (MM/DD/YY).
By the way, this is NOT datefagging. I am not suggesting that anything will happen today. I'm just pointing out a bit of trivia for those who like numbers, etc.
Edit: As Vicarious points out below, today (the day after the winter solstice) is when the days start getting longer (more light). So, leading up until today, the days have been getting darker, but is today the day when things (almost imperceptibly) start getting brighter?
Correction and two Challenges: Today is not the last mirror date (this century). Depending on date formats, you could see one as soon as six weeks from now (2/2/22). Someone mentioned the pattern '03/11/30', '04/11/40', etc (which also works with any single-digit day in the middle). With long-form dates, you can get 09/02/2090 (or 2090/09/02). But, (and here's the first challenge), is today the last mirror date (this century) that is the day after a winter solstice (Dark to Light)? And, (second challenge), is there any mirror date (this century) after 09/11/90? (If not, the last mirror date occurs on an anniversary of 9/11)
Looking beyond datefagging, a lot, and I mean a LOT of things are taking place even as we SPEAK. For example:
...and these three are just the ones that I have at the top of my head. Wherever there is a change in Brand Name, a change in Terms and Conditions (e.g. the entire YouTube situation at the moment), a change in Brand Policy, a change in Management (e.g. CEO resignations) or any other major change / overhaul / upheaval of any sort (e.g. CNN shutting down its offices due to "COVID"), it is the White Hats (aka the Counterforces or the Resistance) giving us a wink and a nod that the Black Hats have been put out of the picture, AND that an overhaul and restructuring of things is currently underway. Now, these changes may not be reflected instantaneously (e.g. "Meta" will not suddenly broadcast Q drops or anything), but over the course of the next few years, the public will be given drip-by-drip inoculations of the TRUTH (else, they will all just go in pure SHOCK). It's no different to the fact that we do not ever feed babies Steak as soon as they are born or something. We start with the milk first, then cereal, then more and more and more, all the way to Ghost Peppers.
The world is changing even as we speak. But, can you read the signs?
Yep. For a quick read, look up this article by Benjamin Fulford. For some more unconventional types of sources (and I REALLY mean 'unconventional' here), you can either watch this video from 16:52 or this video from 00:21. Hope this helps!
And as always (and this is for everyone who's reading this comment), please, PLEASE do your own research to get to the bottom of things at ALL times...for not every source is right about everything, and neither is every source wrong about everything either! So yeah, let the evidence speak for itself in any case! Cheers!