Yes, I know there are more 'mirror dates' to come if you use European date styling (DD/MM/YY), but the Plan originated in the States, so I'm sticking with US date styling (MM/DD/YY).
By the way, this is NOT datefagging. I am not suggesting that anything will happen today. I'm just pointing out a bit of trivia for those who like numbers, etc.
Edit: As Vicarious points out below, today (the day after the winter solstice) is when the days start getting longer (more light). So, leading up until today, the days have been getting darker, but is today the day when things (almost imperceptibly) start getting brighter?
Correction and two Challenges: Today is not the last mirror date (this century). Depending on date formats, you could see one as soon as six weeks from now (2/2/22). Someone mentioned the pattern '03/11/30', '04/11/40', etc (which also works with any single-digit day in the middle). With long-form dates, you can get 09/02/2090 (or 2090/09/02). But, (and here's the first challenge), is today the last mirror date (this century) that is the day after a winter solstice (Dark to Light)? And, (second challenge), is there any mirror date (this century) after 09/11/90? (If not, the last mirror date occurs on an anniversary of 9/11)
Regardless, that doesn't answer the question, why would they produce a vaccine that kills those who take it? That means those who comply are the ones who die off, and then those who didn't comply (who live) will never have any reason to comply forever. It still makes no sense.
The way I see it, the most important 'key' is to force full compliance. On the road toward compliance, however, there are lots of twists and turns, including 'keeping everyone distracted' and 'at each other's throats' - which is why the shots need to have some level of harm, even for those who are compliant (details in post).
Also, their stated goal is to reduce the world population by over 90%, so a few million deaths here or there doesn't really matter to them.
Of course, there is a much simpler explanation. They're sick.
As long as they don't have full compliance, they have no power to 'kill who they choose', so everything is focused on getting full compliance. If (in their twisted minds) that means killing off a few of the compliant ones, then they'll do that (in the short run).
Of course, this is all just speculation on my part. Hypothetically. In Minecraft.
Lol reducing the world’s population by 90%? Where’d you get that?
It makes no sense to kill off those who are compliant. If anything, they would want to kill off those who resist, thus ensuring the ones who are compliant are “doing the right thing.”
Long-standing stated goal: 'Reduce the world's population to 500 million' (Georgia Guidestones, etc) Look for other posts on that.
And seeing as there are far more than 500 million who are compliant, the plan would have to include killing off a great number of even the compliant.
For instance, if there are 5 billion 'resistive' and 3 billion 'compliant' in the world, they would need to kill all 5 billion 'resistive' plus 2.5 billion of the 'compliant'.
Who the Dick cares about the Georgia guidestones lol.