"Scientists at Walter Reed Army Institute Develop Vaccine ‘Effective Against COVID-19 and All Variants, Including Omicron" ...
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
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Perhaps this is the fruit of warp speed.
I don't know why you got a down vote
Think of it this way .. rushed out the vaccines to stave off the lockdown plan. During this time, developed a vaccine by his own trusted military to undercut you know who
Military is the only way.
It is a legitimate thought
If you were the enemy, and you knew this website was full of people who believe "military is the only way", how would you sell them a vaccine they don't want to take?
This is a stupid question because at this point people are either for it or against it. Doesn't matter if it's from a 'more trust worthy source' or not. When normies are no longer lining up for their Nth booster, what makes you think a bunch of anons who have more knowledge than them would be fooled simply by a slogan in a drop? I'm guessing this is a one two punch for herd immunity. Omicron for the pure bloods and ermagherd military vax for the ones still being coerced into complying that don't trust big pharma.
I think you're underestimating the number of lowbrow users this site has. The vast majority here are cheerleading and are just excited be a part of something. It wouldn't be hard to convince a new user who left the lying media and who knows very little about Q drops that "military is the only way" might relate to this. Maybe it does, and I'm wrong. I'll gladly admit that if I'm proven wrong. However, when you take into account the WH threatening unvaccinated Americans with sickness and death, people losing their jobs over the jab, major metropolitan areas mandating the jab for access to restaurants, stores, etc, this just seems like another attempt at coercion. Just my take.