If you’re on this board, you’re a critical thinker. Which means you should change your assessments based on new information inputs. I am now changing my assessment with every day that passes and more deaths, injuries, mandates, and now approvals for jabbing kids are taking place worldwide. And I have been as consistently pro-Trump as they come. But Trump may have seriously missed his window. See my reply above to the same comment you replied to. And read this which sounds like it was written by a critical thinker who has changed their assessment based on new information inputs: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-21-trumps-vaccine-pimping-rhetoric-proves-both-parties-prostitutes-pharma-central-banks.html
Wars are deadly. You apparently don’t think we are in a war, but we are in a war.
Example: If there are two options, and option A is 1 million dead, and option B is 100 million, and there is no option with less dead that option A, what do you as a leader do?
Think of D-Day. The generals knew that Normandy was going to be a blood bath, but it has to be done. It was our finest hour in many respects, but many, many people died. Jumping ship because of this reality doesn’t seem a wise or well considered decision.
We could have lost D-Day, and with it the war, which meant losing everything. You play the cards you are dealt and hope your plan works. Same thing here. No more, no less. I’m not about to second guess it at this point, and am doing everything I can to help out by wakening the masses, by researching and spreading information.
We are digital soldiers, and those are our orders.
If you’re on this board, you’re a critical thinker. Which means you should change your assessments based on new information inputs. I am now changing my assessment with every day that passes and more deaths, injuries, mandates, and now approvals for jabbing kids are taking place worldwide. And I have been as consistently pro-Trump as they come. But Trump may have seriously missed his window. See my reply above to the same comment you replied to. And read this which sounds like it was written by a critical thinker who has changed their assessment based on new information inputs: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-21-trumps-vaccine-pimping-rhetoric-proves-both-parties-prostitutes-pharma-central-banks.html
Wars are deadly. You apparently don’t think we are in a war, but we are in a war.
Example: If there are two options, and option A is 1 million dead, and option B is 100 million, and there is no option with less dead that option A, what do you as a leader do?
Think of D-Day. The generals knew that Normandy was going to be a blood bath, but it has to be done. It was our finest hour in many respects, but many, many people died. Jumping ship because of this reality doesn’t seem a wise or well considered decision.
We could have lost D-Day, and with it the war, which meant losing everything. You play the cards you are dealt and hope your plan works. Same thing here. No more, no less. I’m not about to second guess it at this point, and am doing everything I can to help out by wakening the masses, by researching and spreading information.
We are digital soldiers, and those are our orders.