My idiot liberal neighbor informed me yesterday “we’re headed out for a cruise on Royal Carib”. As he tells me this his wife comes out & says “hey you’re missing Tom Hanks” (no idea what flik). As I depart he says “gotta go see Hanks, you gotta love every role he’s ever played”?! I said “no, I don’t actually” and walked home. He hasn’t commented on my Trump flag fwiw. I’m not embellishing; that’s what we’re dealing with. Call me a cold bastard, but if the vaxx really starts taking them out??? Oh WELL. Edit; FURTHER…he’s been a career (35 years) PROFESSIONAL “LAB RAT”. That’s right, for 35 years he’s done several clinical big pharma trials each year. I asked him after his last one, “so what disease does this medicine you just took for weeks attack or cure”? He HAD NO CLUE. As a cancer survivor this mode of thinking eats at the core of my being. Utter retard.
My idiot liberal neighbor informed me yesterday “we’re headed out for a cruise on Royal Carib”. As he tells me this his wife comes out & says “hey you’re missing Tom Hanks” (no idea what flik). As I depart he says “gotta go see Hanks, you gotta love every role he’s ever played”?! I said “no, I don’t actually” and walked home. He hasn’t commented on my Trump flag fwiw. I’m not embellishing; that’s what we’re dealing with. Call me a cold bastard, but if the vaxx really starts taking them out??? Oh WELL. Edit; FURTHER…he’s been a career (35 years) PROFESSIONAL “LAB RAT”. That’s right, for 35 years he’s done several clinical big pharma trials each year. I asked him after his last one, “so what disease does this medicine you just took for weeks attack or cure”? He HAD NO CLUE. As a cancer survivor this mode of thinking eats at the core of my being. Utter retard.
This is the site where he gets his leads for paid trials;
Wait, wut? He gets poked for a living? That's a thing? If so, he better stop, I think it's causing severe weight loss between the ears.
Your forbearance does you credit. I would have given him an earful about Hanks.
He’s a new neighbor I don’t want to shit where I eat kinda thing. This is the site where he gets his leads for paid trials;