Q himself said earth jsnt flat so you believe in Q or you believe in flat earth?
I'm completely open minded and will admit if I am wrong but saying the earth is flat requires incredibly substantial evidence and elites don't believe that shit either so it must be spectacular levels of indoctrination for the elites and the Q community to both not be awakened enough.
I have close friends and family who have all worked for and with nasa and man it would be nice if the earth was flat because their lives would be way easier. I think one of the common misconceptions is understanding "space"...almost nothing actually leaves the atmosphere and goes into outer space. It is real but it is rare because it's a lot more effort and not typically useful.
My honest opinion is flat earth reeks of a CIA disinformation op. All the media started talking about it at the same time because they needed a distraction from real shit that was getting discovered (I believe it was around pizza gate when they went all in on it).
The reason is because bullet ballistics are different than most airborne objects. Once fired they have no additional propulsion or mechanics, just metal flying through the air compared to planes, jets, rockets, etc where there are other forces at work.
I've heard most of the arguments and while I cannot answer all of them myself every single one I have asked my Nasa friend has been easily explained with logic. Like I said I could be proven wrong one day but currently there are far bigger battles at play than whether or not the earth is flat and there is far more proof space exists than proof it is fake. We just magically made all these crazy breakthroughs scientifically including battery capacity, insulation and countless others while trying to leave earth but never left? I don't buy it. Do I think we faked missions? Almost definitely...but it doesn't mean all of it is fake.
Cannot grasp the concept of centrifugal force or gravity, huh?
It’s okay. Tough concept for some I see.
Note that both are described as fictitious or theoretical by the beloved scientists. I used to teach that indoctrination material before I awakened.
You said hot air balloons and helicopters. Stay on point
Q himself said earth jsnt flat so you believe in Q or you believe in flat earth?
I'm completely open minded and will admit if I am wrong but saying the earth is flat requires incredibly substantial evidence and elites don't believe that shit either so it must be spectacular levels of indoctrination for the elites and the Q community to both not be awakened enough.
I have close friends and family who have all worked for and with nasa and man it would be nice if the earth was flat because their lives would be way easier. I think one of the common misconceptions is understanding "space"...almost nothing actually leaves the atmosphere and goes into outer space. It is real but it is rare because it's a lot more effort and not typically useful.
My honest opinion is flat earth reeks of a CIA disinformation op. All the media started talking about it at the same time because they needed a distraction from real shit that was getting discovered (I believe it was around pizza gate when they went all in on it).
The reason is because bullet ballistics are different than most airborne objects. Once fired they have no additional propulsion or mechanics, just metal flying through the air compared to planes, jets, rockets, etc where there are other forces at work.
I've heard most of the arguments and while I cannot answer all of them myself every single one I have asked my Nasa friend has been easily explained with logic. Like I said I could be proven wrong one day but currently there are far bigger battles at play than whether or not the earth is flat and there is far more proof space exists than proof it is fake. We just magically made all these crazy breakthroughs scientifically including battery capacity, insulation and countless others while trying to leave earth but never left? I don't buy it. Do I think we faked missions? Almost definitely...but it doesn't mean all of it is fake.
It’s not an insult, it’s a statement of pity.
Keep looking as part of your Great Awakening. Afks is giving you breadcrumbs for the next level of fraud to awaken to.
I don’t believe you’re trying to mislead me. I believe you’ve been mislead.
I know the earth is a sphere, it fits logically with how the universe behaves in recognizable patterns.