I’m saying that the Earth and the Bird are moving together at the same velocity. The very nature of the Earth is why we only perceive motion in our locality.
Well which is it, am I friend or demon? Idiot.
Have you ever considered the fact that the bullet is rotating so quickly it resists the earths movement? Gyroscopic effect. Even a flat earth can’t deny gyroscopes exist.
The truth is, you’re either full of shit or full on retarded. Ever look at a radar scope? Proof, right there, curvature of the earth.
I don’t believe you’re trying to mislead me. I believe you’ve been mislead.
I know the earth is a sphere, it fits logically with how the universe behaves in recognizable patterns.
Holy shit I already explained why you’re wrong about the Coriolis effect.
I’ve been in aircraft and walked on mountain tops. The curvature of the Earth is real. My goodness.
Like arguing with a child… though you’d have to mentally be a child to believe the Earth is flat, so… fitting.
I’m saying that the Earth and the Bird are moving together at the same velocity. The very nature of the Earth is why we only perceive motion in our locality.
Well which is it, am I friend or demon? Idiot.
Have you ever considered the fact that the bullet is rotating so quickly it resists the earths movement? Gyroscopic effect. Even a flat earth can’t deny gyroscopes exist.
The truth is, you’re either full of shit or full on retarded. Ever look at a radar scope? Proof, right there, curvature of the earth.