And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?
And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?