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COVID pill is HIV treatment!!!!
Riddle me this lads, why the FUCK is Pfizer’s new COVID pill HIV treatment? Were we right again? Is Covid literally Bat AIDS? Did they mix SARS and AIDS in a lab to make airborne AIDS?
Can you read? Wtf? hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin ? Paper was pulled for a reason..
See the following
The paper claimed to find four unique inserts in COVID-19, all of which are similar to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1, which is "unlikely to be fortuitous in nature," suggesting that the virus might have been designed.
Yeah ccp puff piece..
I can read, and the "reasons" given for pulling it read like Chinese propaganda, by a Chinese scientist back in Feb of 2020. You were replying to a comment about HCQ and IVM. Hence why I mentioned it, as the article has nothing to do with either drug.
–DeepFakePonySoldier 5 hours ago +19 / -0
Section I, #3. Paraphrasing: They say there is nothing else adequate, approved, or available for emergency use and that is why they want their new drug approved.……. What about ivermectin and hcq, why isn’t that approved for emergency use. As for hiv,**** I believe it was determined they put a piece of hiv in COVID when they were mixing up the brew, I think it was already identified as such****. Crazy scary sad.
My response
An article where an Indian scientist found pieces of HIV in the virus its literally titled
Scientists slam Indian study that fueled coronavirus rumors Authors pull non-peer-reviewed manuscript hinting pathogen is a bioweapon
Lmao you could be a mod here with those critical thinking skills