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COVID pill is HIV treatment!!!!
Riddle me this lads, why the FUCK is Pfizer’s new COVID pill HIV treatment? Were we right again? Is Covid literally Bat AIDS? Did they mix SARS and AIDS in a lab to make airborne AIDS?
The weirdest thing is we're not dealing with a vaccine which would actually cause that chain of events to happen. You get a beat up/dead version of the thing you're trying to be vaccinated against. Your body kicks it's ass and is better prepared for a stronger variant in the wild. So in normal circumstances you would absolutely 'test positive' for the flu after your flu shot. This isn't even a vaccine yet they're still testing positive. That's kind of weird don't you guys think? I honestly just think the test are all bunk and only branch covidians are the ones actually self policing their testing and causing all of the false positives. Everybody I know who has to check in at work daily and answer the questions about their health aren't actually taking their tests unless they start feeling ill or if they're trying to score some days off (like you're supposed to lol)