Tide turning? WSJ talking about Fauci and Collins? Let it fly on social media, frens!
🤡 Narrative Collapsing? 🤡
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They, and all who went ALL IN, can begin discussing these issues at length and in great detail, now or later. The choice is theirs. BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO DISCUSS IT.
I hate the phrase "Truth and Reconciliation" because it has always been used to white wash the truth, but what we need after this is the opposite - make the people who went all in constantly keep listening to all aspects of the truth they missed. Every study they ignored. Every scientist they derided. Every politician that got assassinated for standing against them. Every Doctor who got fired / stripped off their license.
These people need to hear these things constantly 24/7 until is seeps inside them and they start feeling something. They are currently emotionally numb due to the mockingbird psyops got them to be over emotional for useless things. We need to break open that numbness and make them really feel the pain they caused, not just hear it.