As a long-time friend of Bill W., I can say congratulations and keep up the good work. It's worth it. One thing I tell newcomers is to forget "fighting" the condition, just surrender it (3rd Step) to a loving God and let Him carry on the fight for you. Just do the work, get a sponsor, work the steps, go to meetings, and don't drink even if your ass falls off... and if it DOES fall off, pick it up and take it to a meeting.
As a long-time friend of Bill W., I can say congratulations and keep up the good work. It's worth it. One thing I tell newcomers is to forget "fighting" the condition, just surrender it (3rd Step) to a loving God and let Him carry on the fight for you. Just do the work, get a sponsor, work the steps, go to meetings, and don't drink even if your ass falls off... and if it DOES fall off, pick it up and take it to a meeting.
Praise BE fellow Volunteer!!! 💕
West Knox County here, Vol.
Roane here, Vol. 💕😎
Hi neighbor, I've got some right-thinking relatives in Roane County.