I often read many frustrated (if not outright dooming) comments on here that say something on the lines of "I can't believe they're getting away with all of this" or "How much longer shall all of this madness even LAST?" or an "I can't even really take it anymore" or WORSE. And I'm so NOT here to blame or shame anyone on here for saying such. After all, I understand EXACTLY how you all feel. For I too, am one of YOU. That being said, this mindset calls for a little bit of correction (if not more). Because without such a (timely!) correction, we all, as a COLLECTIVE, become all the more WEAKER. And a weak collective is a dead collective, I'm sure we all know and understand THAT PART real well. (If not, just look at all of the double-masked, quadruple-vaxxed people dying in droves currently).
So, how exactly can we get our hope back?
Let me start by giving you all a little of that juicy hopium dose. A hopium dose in the form of a surprisingly simple statement:
The deep state is EVIL, not STUPID.
PLEASE read this ONE LINE over and over and OVER AGAIN until it sinks in.
"The deep state is EVIL, NOT STUPID."
And how does THAT line change anything at ALL?
My dearest friends, THAT ONE LINE is the ANSWER that you've all been so longingly (and may I just add, so desperately looking for).
The one SURE SHOT SIGN that ALL IS WELL. The sign that not only are we winning this war, that this war has already been WON.
What remains now are but mere formalities.
So, why exactly am I so very certain of this?
The answer is simple.
You see, the Deep State has NOT controlled humanity for millennia by being obvious and blatant. They didn't announce their plans for 9/11 openly in the 9/10 evening news, they did it via putting that shit (that too, in the form of a 'code') in obscure magazine covers, movie easter eggs and children's cartoons. They never advertise their allegiance to Satan in open press conferences; they sneak that shit in inside your favourite pop music videos. In fact, have you ever wondered why nearly every single hero / superhero within our movies and comics etc. has this ridiculous "I won't kill" stance even against the most despicable, most monstrous of villains in their universe? OF COURSE they don't want y'all to be "learning things." You see, they've all learned their lessons after "burn the rich" became rather viral during the renaissance.
In short, while they're all 'long-term stupid' (because even IMAGINING that you could take on GOD is hilarious, frankly); they're NOT short-term stupid. They don't just have plans, my dearest frens, even their PLANS HAVE PLANS.
Except, well, whatever the FUCK has been going wrong with these fucks lately.
You see, in an "ideal" world (from THEIR perspective), Mr. Bumbling Biden (with a generous dosage of dementia and other psychotic breakdowns to add) would NEVER be the president for even a DAY, let alone MONTHS, "elected" or NOT.
In an "ideal" world, big bad BJ from the Yoo-Kay won't be blithering rampant about retarded shit pertaining to Peppa Fucking Pig of all things.
Oh, and have you seen lately as to how "debunked conspiracy theories" are now coming TRUE at a SURPRISINGLY fast speed?
One day, you have mandatory vaccinnes.
The next, mandatory boosters.
Plus a rather generous helping (or two) of "Quarantine Camps" on the side.
Vaccinne passports, early release for all!
And wait, the chips, too, are here already?? (Who woulda even thunk?)
Guess some people will finally connect-the-wires now and find out what that whole worldwide chip shortage was all about, really, eh?
"The Deep State is Evil, NOT Stupid."
In an "ideal world," Mr. Let's Go Brandon would've been replaced by Kamala or literally WHOEVER-THE-FUCK-CAN-KEEP-THE-RATINGS-UP within DAYS, and NOT MONTHS.
In an "ideal world," BJ would be giving HJs to some elitefag seeking mercy before EVER being allowed to freely (and openly) ramble retarded shit in front of the damn presstitutes.
In an "ideal world," the vaccine rollouts, booster rollouts, lockdowns, and such would be rolled out SUPER-FUCKING-SLOWLY, and that's way, WAYYYYYY BEFORE they even DREAM OF bringing in the Quarantine Camps, the Passports, AND the MICRO FUCKING CHIPS of all things.
Alas, this is so NOT their "ideal world."
My dearest awake frens, this is NOT how the Deep State operates. EVERY LAST OPERATION of theirs is, a. PLANNED to perfection; and b. EXECUTED to perfection.
There's no rushing about. There's no being this OPEN and OBVIOUS about things. And there's ZERO loose ends.
The sheep population are slowly, slooooooooooowly herded into compliance. One small restriction at a time. One small "rule for being a good citizen" at a time. One small reward for being obedient at a time.
Remember how they sloooowly brought in the surveillance state after orchestrating 9/11? Yeah, THAT. THAT'S how they work, ALWAYS.
Remember the story of the boiling frog? Boil it too quick, it escapes?
So you gotta take it all sloooooow and easyyyyyyy? Like how the Deep State have always done with US?
These guys are NOT ones to take risks. These guys are NOT ones to rush in and do things all haphazard. EVERY SINGLE MOVE is calculated (some, for millennia). EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SCENARIO is worked on, Experimented on, and STUDIED WELLLLLL IN ADVANCE. Precautions are taken. Back up plans are made. Observations and iterations are made. Plans are written and rewritten. Research is done. Models are drawn. Studies are done. Risks calculated. Risks (swiftly!) ELIMINATED, too.
The Deep State is EVIL, NOT Stupid.
Now, add all of those points up. And don't worry if NOTHING really adds up, because it's not meant to.
The Deep State is finished. Ended. Chapter closed. Check mated. Thank you all for playing.
This is not to say that they are all fully removed just as yet, but the major players and their groups are most certainly ALL down.
A Deep State in working condition cares NOT about ANYBODY (whether it's on "their" side or the "enemy" side). A blithering Biden would be treated by them with about as much "love" as a tampering Trump. And we ALL have seen the sheer AMOUNT OF "love" that they have poured on Mr. Trump for the last four+ years.
Mr. Epstein was one of THEIR OWN. Their very BELOVED-EST. And yet, look what they did to him without but the SLIGHTEST of hesitation when push came to shove.
The Deep State cares for NOBODY but ITSELF. And in the Deep State, it is indeed, EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF.
And so, here's a little reality check for all of you". The 'Deep State' that you worry so much, is all but GONE. Just LOOK AT all of those mass resignations of CEOs. To make things worse, people are awakening left, right, and center (all kinds and manners of puns intended).
Name change? Code for White Hat Takeover (e.g. Facebook becoming Meta). Logo change? White Hat Takeover. Policy change? White Hat Takeover (e.g. YouTube). Management change? White Hat Takeover. (See: CEO Mass Resignations). Strange shutdowns (e.g. CNN shutting down its offices because of COVID), White Hat Takeover.
No, Meta is NOT going to all-of-a-sudden start releasing Q drops everywhere just because the White Hats are now in charge. Because ALL changes will be slow and steady. And this is for a LARGE VARIETY OF REASONS.
One, think of the asleep ones like little BABIES. Too much info at once might just send them all into utter SHOCK, if not complete DESTRUCTION. Now, YOU might be super happy doing this to them, but NOT GOD. Because to God, ALL of his children are EQUAL, and therefore, EQUALLY LOVED. And ALL will therefore be cared for by GOD. After all, the unawakened are unawakened for a reason, and even YOU were very much unawakened once! Everyone learns at their own place, some are first graders, others are ninth graders. It is ridiculous (if not straight up foolish!) for a NINTH grader wants to expect the FIRST GRADERS to learn things at HIS pace. NEVER happened, NEVER will.
Two, most people will NEVER wake up unless someone lights up a fire under their butt. Which means that some WILD THINGS simply HAVE TO "ALLOWED TO" HAPPEN so that the unawakened ones realize just what is REALLY GOING ON. So rather than expecting the censorship to vanish overnight (be it from Twitter or from Meta), imagine it becoming SO BLATANT and SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS / OBVIOUS that even the sheepiest of sheep has to ask, "The Fuck? THAT got censored? WHYYYYY????" As an example, see how BLM folks recently started getting their first real taste of tech-censorship.
Three, this is a spiritual WAR. So there are still VERY MUCH many STRATEGIC MOVES at play. So, for example, some of the Deep State operatives might be all happy communicating tactically over Facebook (or sharing CP and shit) because they think Daddy Zuck is still in charge and all protective of them. And then, unwittingly, they end up giving up their true location, or end up providing evidence that may be eventually brought out to make MANY people answerable for their crimes, and more.
Not EVERYTHING has to happen the way YOU WANT IT TO. Because THIS, is a WAR. And us civilians simply DO NOT get to dictate war strategies, simple as that.
You ALL need to understand that this is a Spiritual War of INCOMPREHENSIBLE proportions that we all are fighting in here. It is NOT something that can be done in mere moments, this shit is going to take us fucking YEARS by ANY IMAGINABLE LOGIC, so best ACCEPT IT instead of attempting to rush it, freak out about it, or lose all hope! (i.e. going all "doomer", so to speak). Not helping your cause, that. We are here to WIN, if not for our own selves, then for our poor CHILDREN at the very LEAST! Can't give up on THEM. Just, can NOT. Even if it means fighting till the last drop of blood is left within our veins and the last gasp of breath struggles to leave our lungs. Can't betray THEM. We are ALL that they have at this point. Can't break their trust for ANYTHING in the world. Endofstory.
So, to sum it all up, what you're seeing now is all theater. Smoke and mirrors. A SHOW put on to awaken the sleepers, and show them what the Deep State would have REALLY done to them had they continued remaining asleep. Hence the rushed "Great Reset" announcements and Nazi Camps and Passports and all of that other stuff. This will continue for a while until people have finally had ENOUGH and folks start putting their FOOT DOWN. Through protests, mass quitting, or what-else-have-you. And even folks like Trump are playing along with some of this shit, because, let's be fair, what else is even there to do? It's not as if the Libs are suddenly going to start believing a damn thing he says NOW. And yet, do you not see how, even when the first time he asked his own followers to take vaccinnes, he smoothly added that one thing (that Deep Staters HATE folks saying) that goes, "IF you WANT TO, of course." He said the same a few days back, too. Guys, the entire Deep State machinery had NO reason to be against him to that insane DEGREE had this guy been on their side.
Same goes for platforms like Meta. The very DAY that Facebook announced this "shift", Deep State's pet dog Reddit started slobberring all about "the evils of Facebook and Zuckerberg" all over the place. On the SAME. FUCKING. DAY. You can just go do a quick n easy Reddit search for the (slew of) 'recent posts' on that topic to verify this fact. Not to mention the sudden arrival of Facebook "whistleblowers" prior to this. Ask yourself this: When was the last time that ANY of Deep State's pet platforms had "whistleblowers" (real or fake, doesn't matter) coming out AGAINST that very platform? Compromised.
When was the last time the Deep State gigawhore CNN got touched by ANY fucking allegation whatsoever, let alone those of SEXUAL ALLEGATIONS and the like? Compromised.
When was the last time that the CEO of a MAJOR Deep State channel like Twatter not only STEPPED DOWN, but also had THIS SHIT go about trending OPENLY FOR ALL TOO SEE AND TALK ABOUT? Compromised.
The "world leaders" that you're now seeing are either clones / duplicates, or, in some cases, actual people who have been told to go along with the plan or face IMMEDIATE execution. Most of the White Hats ARE former Dark Hats after all. They know EXACTLY how to get folks singing, way, WAY better than those of us do.
Seriously, have you never wondered why Q not only says "Trust The Plan", but also, "Enjoy The SHOW"? That's because it IS one. Hence all of these "coincidences."
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Enjoy the show.
- notQ
There is one thing I know about the truly evil. It is that they consider what they do as not being wrong. So their actions are one of arrogance, and on that end, their evidence has caused them to make a mistake. A very bad one and one that leads me to believe that they are indeed very stupid.
What was the mistake? Well, by the time it came to Hillary running for president it was way too late. This goes back to what Q says "Symbolism will be their downfall."
The arrogance that got them into their positions of power is the same kind of arrogance that broadcasts to the world their intent, and causes them to use imagery and iconic symbols to wear as their medals of honor. Unfortunately that is where they made the mistake. If they could still use a swastika, they would, but that symbol was taboo. Remember prince Harry? So, it's not as if they knew about symbolism.
And still they used the symbols anyway. Once the symbolism was shown (via FBI), then people started seeing it. It was one of the elements that woke people up.
The takeaway I see here, is that if they never used symbols, it would have been much harder for people to become aware of the activity, or in the case of the frog, the change in water temperature. If you remember the fallout from Comet Ping-Pong, they made it out as if there was nothing wrong going on there. All because they used a symbol in their logo. Besta pizza actually pulled their symbol. as if nobody would notice.
I am not saying that the deep state was not intelligent, for their schemes are elaborate and ornate, but the arrogance did cause a blind spot, which if anyone analyzed everything, they should have found that the symbols would be used against them and never used them.
It's a stupid error, and for that reason alone, I tell you the deep state is and always was stupid. Once the person wakes up, the movements being made became predictable, but part of the flaw.
But I come from a mindset where everything must exist in some state of balance, this movement toward (or away from) immense evil and corruption, is the pendulum's position in its swing, which means that it eventually moves toward great goodness. When you see that the structures of evil are being taken down it gives hope. It gives hope, because everything moves away from what was evil.
The project lookingglass from the project camelot whistleblower says exactly this. There was nothing that they could do to change the outcome. That means the catalyst for the entire house of cards they had built, no matter how fortified, was eventually going to fall. By that point their mistake was too late. The plans they made were already in motion and they went through with it anyway.
The only solution would have been to go completely silent and not follow through with their plans, but they didn't do that either. That is also a mistake. They wanted to maintain power and perform their vile acts, but that plan was only going to bring it to the surface. That's just plain arrogance that allows that to happen. And that is where they are wrong. Stupidly wrong.
And since that point, I reiterate that when their plans are so predicable that you can see the next action and how it adds to their downfall, then the only conclusion I have is that while they are highly intelligent, that they are INDEED very stupid.
You can't tell me that when it was let known that teacher were teaching CRT or the Antifa indoctrination, that the momma bears wouldn't eventually rise up and bring hell to the school board meetings. Only stupid people poke sleeping bears.
Q said multiple times "these people are stupid". From my perspective, I would agree.
Before I say anything else, I feel that I MUST say this: You sir / ma'am, are an absolutely BRILLIANT writer. I don't know when it was last that I read something so flawlessly written that just, put a smile on my face. You should go ahead and make a post out of this, or in general make some posts on here. I don't think many on here can top anything you'd write.
I address the core point that you're making here in my main post, where I basically added that "while the deep state is short-term intelligent, in long-term it is stupid AF because you simply CANNOT challenge God (i.e. Divine Intelligence). That intelligence is SO above and beyond ANYTHING that these ones can comprehend that it's pointless to even DREAM OF battling it.
So yes, indeed it IS their arrogance which is the reason for their downfall, as opposed to their lack of intelligence. I mean, they've proven intelligent enough to enslave humanity for eons, gotta give them credit where credit's due. However, this time, they're facing more than just "humans", they're facing Divine Intelligence, AND they're facing AWAKENED + AWAKENING humans on top of it. These humans can see through the Deep State playbook like a lawyer through a kid who's telling a lie for the very first time, and thus, are the GREATEST imaginable threat to them right after God.
I agree with the pendulum part, what has been stretched too far to the left, WILL INEVITABLY stretch back all the way to the right eventually. We are (now) in that "home stretch" if you will.
The reason they need to tell us of their plans in advance (or put those symbols out for all to take note of) is primarily twofold. One, because Divine LAW requires that you disclose your true nature / plans in some way, shape,or form; OR gain approval on them (no matter how evil-ly) because discernment is one of Earth's primary lessons (so folks are allowed to learn how it's to be done the hard way), but, at the same time, one can't just go on overriding Free Will will-y nilly, it's just NOT allowed. BUT, the bigger reason they do so, as you rightly said, is out of their untamed ARROGANCE. An arrogance that strongly (and WRONGLY) believes that they are SO very powerful, that they can literally tell us their plans to our face, and execute them in our face, while we are all unable to do SHIT to them.
It is HERE that these ones are stupid, as Q so very often puts it --- NOT because they aren't intelligent Otherwise, BUT because much like most "villains" that exist in the world of fiction, their massive EGOS (and the resulting stupidity that results from those) becomes their undoing in the end. Not too different from, say, Thanos, who (subconsciously) sabotages his own plans to take over the universe every single time, DESPITE having the power, smarts and sheer talents and (time tested!) ABILITIES to do so!
And as they all rightly say, Art (ultimately) imitates Life for a REASON.
Hope this helps!