Just got the news. Healthy woman, 50's, no chronic conditions and wasn't sick from flu, cold or any other ailments.
Several of my friends are chronically sick now and not recovering. FB posts on my wife's account are of Karen's we know CONSTANTLY sick. Writing about how it's the worse winter ever.
Now this part is interesting-
Infections are hitting record rates and normally I would think nothing of it. But the RATE at which they are growing is unreal and coincides perfectly with booster release. Hospitalisations (which again, normally dismiss) are increasing at a rate unseen during "Alpha". For who? The jabbed. The jabbed are getting smashed right now and there is no reporting on it
The streets are talking and the people are getting very, very nervous.
Sad. But unbelief has consequences. Fear, doubt, worry. God will fill ALL who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Simply being a Christian does not get you automatic immunity from evil. In fact it makes you a target unless you learn the Word and believe it. Act on it, be unmoveable when your five senses deceive you and contradict it.
Nothing will lie to you faster than your own five senses. The battle field is the mind, put on the whole armor of God. You gotta do the renewed mind work yourself. Ditch the lies for the word of God.
And be wary of those who spread lies cloaked as the word of God.
If people studied the Word for themselves they wouldn't fall for deceivers or false prophets.