First, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I'd trust the one military's vax far quicker than any of the other ones out there.
Second, the media has long pushed for everyone to get vaxxed. Now......we have Trump encouraging taking the vax.....but not forcing it.
The corrupt government, biden administration and media secretly hate that Trump has now pushed for the vax...but I don't think the vax that they've been pushing for the last several months is the same one Trump's talking about.
It's too much of a coincidence that Trump would become very vocal about the vax the same time the military announced their one vax. They stated that military tested this vaccine for the last 2 years. We haven't quite made it to 2 full years of having the military, it sounds, to me anyways, were ahead of the globalist's agenda. I think there were 'bad batches' when this first happened. I think that's why we heard of different stories of hundreds to thousands of vaccines that had to be thrown out because of 'issues with them'......that's about the same time when Kamala Harris was telling people to not trust the 'Trump vax'.....because their plan was intercepted. (I think many of the bad vaccines were removed before making it to the public. Some didn't get removed, no doubt.....but I think if the Dems/biden administration and whomever else was involved with this entire plandemic would've really had complete control.....the control over us would be way worse. We would've all been forced vaxxed by now....and/or MANY dropping dead. (I don't think all the vaccines are bad....I hope not anyways....I had quite a few family/friends take them....and overall, most seem to be good so far.)
Now, with this military vax being talked can the Dems, biden administration, and media all of a sudden not support the vacccines and telling the public not to trust them? Would make it very sus for them to do so. They have been cornered and trapped. This military vax, I think, is the 'Trump vax'.....and 'could' very well be the thing to end the covid plandemic....before the next election. I think these military vaccines will be mainly for the those whose immune systems have been compromised by the 'Biden/Pfizer vaccines (which to me, I think, were the worst ones of them all) who spread/created the new variants.....creating a never ending cycle of the covid plandemic.
So, the media would 'love' to have the normies and Trump supporters (whomever have gotten the vaccine/support the vaccine already.) alike, to now start doubting the whole vax thing, now that the military has their own created. It could very well be why Trump said 'you're playing into their hands' when people booed him about the vaccine statement.
These are just my speculations is all. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope it makes somewhat sense.
Freedom of choice and bodily autonomy means OP being able to take the military vax if he trusts it over the others. Sharing his view isn't shilling for anything. He's not calling for mandates or telling anybody they have to agree with him and trust the military vax themselves. He's simply sharing his opinion on it.
Does this sound like someone who is telling you to go all-in on trusting the new military vax? Or like someone who even fully trusts it themselves?
Gimme a break. All online forums are battlegrounds for your mind. If I were a glowie vax shill, this post would be exactly how I seed the thought in your mind. Stay vigilant.
Except OP didn't say that glowie-as-shit sounding garbage, you just made it up to paint your narrative about them.
Funny that the difference between my quote and your quote is that mine actually happened and you just made yours up. Says a lot about whose picture of OP is closer to reality.
And you also ignored my point about freedom of choice and bodily autonomy. It seems like since you clearly have no leg to stand on you've abandoned your initial argument about bodily autonomy and have just resorted to calling OP a glowie shill instead. I guess that's easier than acknowledging that OP has a right to true bodily autonomy and to choose what medicine they put in their body, even if that differs from what you think is best.
Wow, take a breath. I didn't ignore you I explained how building trust is the first step to mandates. I exaggerated the quote so you could understand what was actually happening, since you seem oblivious to the concept of information warfare. How many times do you think you encounter a professional shill on a weekly basis, without knowing it?