I live alone; not seen only daughter and s-i-l for 2 years now, darling dog just died. Am I miserable?
Not at all: unsubscribed from this pagan celebration years ago. So; no worry, no stress, no spending loadsamoney on "Must have essentials", no pine needles to vaccum for weeks to come. No recycled presents from friends or stuff I don't want that goes to charity shops. No cards from people who don't keep in touch and send cards without even knowing if I'm alive and still at the same address.
No false expectations, no disappointments. Bliss. I celebrate the birth of Jesus every day and thank God for all the blessing He has given me - best present ever.
Hope you all enjoy this though, many do. For those who struggle I say: opt out.
I live alone; not seen only daughter and s-i-l for 2 years now, darling dog just died. Am I miserable?
Not at all: unsubscribed from this pagan celebration years ago. So; no worry, no stress, no spending loadsamoney on "Must have essentials", no pine needles to vaccum for weeks to come. No recycled presents from friends or stuff I don't want that goes to charity shops. No cards from people who don't keep in touch and send cards without even knowing if I'm alive and still at the same address.
No false expectations, no disappointments. Bliss. I celebrate the birth of Jesus every day and thank God for all the blessing He has given me - best present ever.
Hope you all enjoy this though, many do. For those who struggle I say: opt out.