8 - Roman Catholics (2 Bidens, Thomas, Comey-Barrett, Sotomayor, Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh
2 - Jewish (Kagan, Breyer)
1 - half Catholic (raised, trained, schooled) half Episcopal aka Catholic jr. (Gorsuch)
Wrong. Knights Templars, who learned Kabbalah black magik in Israel, formed Masonry for Goys; there is even a degree named after them in the Scottish rite. Who burned them alive? The French Catholic King.
“ Catholics are not Christians; they are part of an anti-Christ, pagan, idolatrous cult.”
▪️Melania Trump is Catholic; Trump attended Jesuit college, are they also part of the Masonic plot?
▪️Q links Arch Bishop Viganos letter to trump & Vigano has been vocal about the Masonic plot to take over Christian civilization.
▪️ How does all of this fit in your warped world view? It is the end of the discussion because you know little history or real Christianity, friendo. Enjoy your false religion & Merry Christmas!