Wow, what wicked deception to put the inserts in there all folded up and legit looking in the hopes that no one unfolds them to read. If these drug manufacturers ever see the inside of a non-corrupt courtroom, that alone would be enough to show intent.
Many times our soldiers take extra casualties because they choose to do the right thing.Our police officer take additional risk,trying to do the right thing.Our firefighters enter burning buildings,doing the right thing.Our citizens kneel in the blood of their fellows at a car wreck.Our doctors and nurses perform emergent procedures,initially with poor to no protection.Our nation is literally built around this concept.A pharmacist must surely know they will be held accountable,just as their employee's will.Walk away.
Saw this earlier, it's a good video and that pharmacist is right, he should have done his research, that's his job and no he shouldn't be jabbing people with something he doesn't know what the contents are.
You're right. I feel bad for him, but it comes down to there being a cost for doing what's right when the authorities are evil. Either we stand now, or the nation falls.
“Right now I’m feeling totally inadequate as a ....”
This is what government lies are doing to people.
Spoke sense into that man
Wow, what wicked deception to put the inserts in there all folded up and legit looking in the hopes that no one unfolds them to read. If these drug manufacturers ever see the inside of a non-corrupt courtroom, that alone would be enough to show intent.
Many times our soldiers take extra casualties because they choose to do the right thing.Our police officer take additional risk,trying to do the right thing.Our firefighters enter burning buildings,doing the right thing.Our citizens kneel in the blood of their fellows at a car wreck.Our doctors and nurses perform emergent procedures,initially with poor to no protection.Our nation is literally built around this concept.A pharmacist must surely know they will be held accountable,just as their employee's will.Walk away.
Yes. Everyone needs to get clear in their minds that there is a line they will not cross.
Saw this earlier, it's a good video and that pharmacist is right, he should have done his research, that's his job and no he shouldn't be jabbing people with something he doesn't know what the contents are.
You're right. I feel bad for him, but it comes down to there being a cost for doing what's right when the authorities are evil. Either we stand now, or the nation falls.
"But I'm just following orders."
Oh the cognitive dissonance. Suddenly the man becomes aware.
You'll be doing them a favor in the long run.
This is a great idea!