Well SOMETHING was given gain of function in Wuhan. And I don’t remember the flu taking away people’s sense of taste and smell. Not saying covid is dangerous in general, it can get dangerous for those that catch it with underlying conditions if it isn’t treated early. I realize the majority is manufactured propaganda, but something was released. I think it was just way more innocuous than the DS had hoped for.
If you got COVID, you’d realize it’s not the same degree of loss. Once I realized I couldn’t even get a hint of the weed I was about to smoke that’s when I realized I didn’t just have a cold/flu. Not that the sickness was that severe, but I don’t think it’s exactly the same in terms of symptoms. Mind you, I wasn’t even very congested when I lost those senses.
What does that have to do with anything lol. Obviously if you expose yourself to more germs you’re less likely to get symptoms, but it doesn’t mean your body hasn’t contracted the VID. It just means your body is better at fighting a “virus” that already has a 99.7% survival rate.
But that goes away when your nasal cavities clear up. My wife and I had covid and she TOTALLY lost sense of smell and it has been taking weeks for her to get it back. I lost sense of smell for some things, and am not sure if it has totally come back. And when we had covid, I had no congestion, and my wife had minimal congestion symptoms. Covid is real, it is just how it has been handled that is what is evil. (the evilness of its development is a subject for another discussion :) )
Well SOMETHING was given gain of function in Wuhan. And I don’t remember the flu taking away people’s sense of taste and smell. Not saying covid is dangerous in general, it can get dangerous for those that catch it with underlying conditions if it isn’t treated early. I realize the majority is manufactured propaganda, but something was released. I think it was just way more innocuous than the DS had hoped for.
Maybe the real engineered Corona virus was "taken offline" and the DS had to resort to marketing the flu as the novel corona virus?
See this thread:
and this Q post:
Seals are wonderful creatures. Heard they work fast at capturing their prey. PRAY. Silence is golden. CORONA_OFFLINE_Deac[0000]. Games R FUN! Q
I had it a while back. It was very mild; felt tired and food had a metallic taste.
Same, I remember this weird period for a few weeks where I kept tasting something metallic in various foods and drinks.
If you got COVID, you’d realize it’s not the same degree of loss. Once I realized I couldn’t even get a hint of the weed I was about to smoke that’s when I realized I didn’t just have a cold/flu. Not that the sickness was that severe, but I don’t think it’s exactly the same in terms of symptoms. Mind you, I wasn’t even very congested when I lost those senses.
What does that have to do with anything lol. Obviously if you expose yourself to more germs you’re less likely to get symptoms, but it doesn’t mean your body hasn’t contracted the VID. It just means your body is better at fighting a “virus” that already has a 99.7% survival rate.
Bet you like your coffee cup nice and dirty too? Me....Married to a carpenter!
But that goes away when your nasal cavities clear up. My wife and I had covid and she TOTALLY lost sense of smell and it has been taking weeks for her to get it back. I lost sense of smell for some things, and am not sure if it has totally come back. And when we had covid, I had no congestion, and my wife had minimal congestion symptoms. Covid is real, it is just how it has been handled that is what is evil. (the evilness of its development is a subject for another discussion :) )
Power of suggestion
Not like this, people sense of taste and smell even remain inhibited after they’re well.