Recall that initially Trump was anti vax/anti lockdown/pro therapeutic (ivermectin, hcq, etc.)
The mass psychosis was overwhelming
Facing re-election, brainwashed boomers/millennials, powerful Pharma cartel, etc. he changed his tune but..
In the same breath he appeared to shill for Pharma, he always said there should be choice
He moved to Florida and worked closely with Gov. DeSantis where they are anti mask, anti vax, anti lockdown, pro therapeutic
Competing nations were developing mRNA tech which is primarily a defense/weapons tech and therefore our mRNA injections must be injected into more arms than their mRNA injections
States were left to choose tyranny versus freedom and there has been an exodus from tyrannical states to free states, moving us towards a shift in electoral college representation
The vaxxofascists thus carried forth their crippled plans for multi year global lockdowns, mass forced vax, and global CCP takeover while fully exposed and only the weakest and most brainwashed faggots are still falling for it while the rest of us know better and he knows we know better partially thanks to his initial seeding of the truth
“Vax” being optional allows the sheeple to select themselves and their offspring out of the gene pool—which is sad but necessary for what’s coming—but everyone else can reject it and move to a based red state if they have to which they’re only likely to do if they’re based enough which is a good filter, at least electorally, if people are moving from blue counties/cities to based red states
He still blames the CCP who everyone owes a lot of money to and he’s now saying we don’t owe the CCP anymore and instead CCP owes $60T for damages and if re-elected (again lol) he can lead the charge to bankrupt the CCP by getting everyone to agree to not pay the CCP back.
This war will go hot at some point. How hot and for how long? It doesn’t fucking matter because only the based will be fighting it and only we shall repopulate the earth. SO BUCKLE THE FUCK UP AND PREPARE TO…
So DON’T get the fucking jab and make LOT’S babies and DON’T let them inject the kids and RAISE them properly, and HAVE A MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS, FAGGOTS. ✝️🎄🎅 🎁
For trollzies, say, “I didn’t like Trump until he saved hundreds of millions of lives by fast tracking his Trump vaccines. So cool!”
Upvoted for the title. Stayed for the solid points. Surprised at the number of anons questioning Trump after everything he’s done for us.
Totally agree. Which things he's done for us are you referring to? I want to be able to explain to my anti trump family over the holidays.. thanks!
Here’s a list that covers from 2017-2019.
If you’re trying to win the arguments against indoctrinated TDS loons your approach has to be unique. They will not listen to facts or will outright claim they’re lies. The angle that works to get through with these people is Human trafficking, especially the child aspect. You will need to be well versed on this so you can quickly shut down idiotic commentary. Trump’s admin handled this like an absolute monster unleashed in comparison to other admins. You’ll want to look up stats, know the numbers especially compared to other presidents.
If you’ve done your homework and know the numbers and facts it makes it nearly impossible for them to shit on this. Because he was saving children from sexual predators and people really don’t want to defend against this argument. Goodluck.
^ Can confirm that this is the way.
Also doesnt hurt to know your stuff when it comes to Pizzagate. "Pfff whatever man, you prolly believe in Pizzagate" is a pretty common response when mentioning Trump's war against traffickers and pedos, in my experience. It's cool being able to list like 20 things off the top of your head as evidence of Pizzagate being real. It's also a good time to start bringing up fake news, if only in the context of the news channels not reporting on Pizzagate fairly. And then if you really wanna blow the person's mind you follow that up with "Do you ever see anything about child trafficking on the news?"