The paste didn’t shorten anything, and I wonder if it is why the illness is two weeks in and no better.
So what actually is the difference in safety protocols in the horse paste?
The paste didn’t shorten anything, and I wonder if it is why the illness is two weeks in and no better.
So what actually is the difference in safety protocols in the horse paste?
I doubt it made you worse. But there are some for whom ivermectin doesn’t work. My husband’s cousin was one. There is also a theory that some blood types get it far worse - O is supposedly the best to kick it with.
There was something about people getting an allergic response to the spike proteins about day 7 and that is the cytokine storm. Benadryl counteracts that.
For kicking pneumonia, breathing therapy is key. Have to expel all that junk. Hot showers, the plastic lung exercise thing with a ball, and Mucinex DM.
Thanks, just freaking out is all…
State of mind is important as well. Remember this is psychological warfare.
I see a lot about a nebulizer and 3% hydrogen peroxide. May get one myself. If anyone has nebulizer info please reply.