People I would never believe are starting to wake up. In my observation it is starting with criticism ofthe vaccine and drug companies. My older sister is a huge double boosted COVID fraidy cat, and she suggested yesterday that they probably don't promote therapeutics because of the money. Another neighborhood friend and mother to my sons' childhood best friends (she has two boys I have two boys) was saying that someone she knew with COVID took Ivermectin and was better in less than two days. My kids are pissed that they took vaccine and now both have COVID, as do their double vaxxed friends. For the first time since we started having this fight they are agreeing that the myocarditis side effects in people after the jab are worrisome. Neither is taking the booster.
These are huge small steps IMO .I try to remember that we didn't get where we are overnight and relatively speaking the awakening is moving at a pretty fast clip. Remember when Trump would say Fake News and people thought he was crazy? Most people of all stripes pretty much agree that the MSM news is fake.
Best Christmas present of all. MERRY CHRISTMAS Frens!
Meanwhile, as people are actually waking up to the dangers/inefficacy of the vaxx, 45 is out there actively shilling for them. Spreading the same lies as MSM for the last 2 years. Brilliant sense of timing.
Agreed. It IS "perfect timing" on 45s part. Hes cleverly defused the Globalist Medias TDS MOABS they'd planned to launch at Independents, Democrats and apoliticals who are starting to wake up.
Thanks to 45s savvy "shilling", the Globalists can't accuse newbie skeptics of joining Trumps cult of anti vaxxer conspiritards which could easily shame them into silence and compliance.
Plus, thanks to 45s " shilling", now highly informed MAGA vaxx skeptics can't be dismissed as low info Trump cultists parroting Dear Leaders insane anti vaxx talking points.
This creates a huuuge opportunity for MAGA anti vaxxers to talk with people without TDS getting in the way.
Once bonds are established around this topic its possible to persuade them on other issues. Students of persuasion techniques call this pacing.
Finally, those who study persuasion acknowledge 45 is a genius tier persuader so obviously the persuasion benefits of his "shilling" are intentional. Hopefully, the rEEEEEEing MAGA anti vaxxers will quickly recover and make good use of the opportunities theyve been given by persuasion genius 45. 😘