When the Medical Establishment reaches the tipping point on the truth about the vaccine not being a vaccine, but a deadly weapon, Trump will harken the antidote and the vaccinated will have no choice but to follow his lead, the vaccinated will be saved, Trump will be saved, and Trump and the vaccinated form an unbreakable bond of trust going forward.
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I mean no disrespect to you when I say that the theory/possible outcome you just laid out is extremely far-fetched. It would be nice, but I just think it's more simple/grim than that. Trump either doesn't think the shots are a mistake, or he knows they are a mistake but is fighting tooth-and-nail not to admit it. Our military is not going to save us. I would venture to guess they are just as compromised as our government. There is no secret/special military jab that makes this all go away. The cold reality is people are continuing to jab themselves and their kids, and are threatened with losing their jobs, being barred from public places, having their kids barred from school, etc and some peoplenare dying or being permanently injured. There is no end in sight, and governments all over the world continue to clamp down harder on the uninjected. If it's all part of a white hat operation, than I give them an F minds. It should have never been allowed to get even close to this point.
So, in your mind, it's all over and the Marxist bastards have won?
No. In my mind I think winning is still very possible but it's not going to be via a second Trump presidency. I think the first step is admitting to ourselves that Trump may not be who we think he is. I know that hurts. It kills me to even think it. But we need to rely less on the romanticised idead that someone is goimg to save us and imstead focus more on organizing with eachother and controlling our own destinies. Our enemy is very good at organizing. We are not. We (myself included and totally guilty) instead sit back and wait for someone to save us.