Yes testing is still driving the narrative. Anyone here, people who should know better, that talk about themselves getting tested get an auto downvote from me.
For the love of God people quit using these bullshit tests that only further the demons agenda. If you get cold/flu-like symptoms you know what to do. There are all kinds of posts here that will point you in the right direction.
And if you are taking Vitamin D and C + zinc and magnesium every day you will most likely never get sick with anything.
i think one of the factor also is that vaccine free people don't get tested for a runny nose.
Yes testing is still driving the narrative. Anyone here, people who should know better, that talk about themselves getting tested get an auto downvote from me.
For the love of God people quit using these bullshit tests that only further the demons agenda. If you get cold/flu-like symptoms you know what to do. There are all kinds of posts here that will point you in the right direction.
And if you are taking Vitamin D and C + zinc and magnesium every day you will most likely never get sick with anything.
This is the rate of Covid, though. As in more vaccinated per x number of people being tested are testing positive.
There may be other confounding variables, but it doesn't appear to be the amount of testing in each category.