It once was said that if a man lived past 50 he would live a long life without any heart issues. I lost 3 great uncles on my grandmothers side (her brothers) all before 50. I wonder now why that was and if anyone else on here remembers anything like that old saying about young men and heart attacks. They would all have been born in the early 1900's, 1905 - 1920. Patterns forming?
It once was said that if a man lived past 50 he would live a long life without any heart issues. I lost 3 great uncles on my grandmothers side (her brothers) all before 50. I wonder now why that was and if anyone else on here remembers anything like that old saying about young men and heart attacks. They would all have been born in the early 1900's, 1905 - 1920. Patterns forming?