What if-and this is purely speculation, something far worse than covid 19 is coming and they know it? I’ve tried so hard to rationalize why Pres Trump would support the jab and haven’t come up with anything other than he HAS to, even if I’m wrong. If he didn’t, he’d be really unpopular. People would claim he’s reckless and irresponsible. So much brainwashing about how horrible the virus is-people afraid, so if he said “nah, the jabs are worthless” he’d have that weight in his shoulders. He’s always one step (or more) ahead. What if he knows they’re going to unleash something worse? Why wouldn’t they? Not saying I’m going to take it but I’m concerned.
Which is why maybe the current jabs aren’t effective at all-because they aren’t for c19?
What if-and this is purely speculation, something far worse than covid 19 is coming and they know it? I’ve tried so hard to rationalize why Pres Trump would support the jab and haven’t come up with anything other than he HAS to, even if I’m wrong. If he didn’t, he’d be really unpopular. People would claim he’s reckless and irresponsible. So much brainwashing about how horrible the virus is-people afraid, so if he said “nah, the jabs are worthless” he’d have that weight in his shoulders. He’s always one step (or more) ahead. What if he knows they’re going to unleash something worse? Why wouldn’t they? Not saying I’m going to take it but I’m concerned.
Which is why maybe the current jabs aren’t effective at all-because they aren’t for c19?
Just throwing it out there.