Is This - Now?
🧠 These people are stupid!
Hey everybody let’s post about vaccines!
Hey everybody look at my vaccine post!
I think I’ll post some thing about vaccines!
But on the other hand maybe I’ll just post about vaccines!
But what I was really thinking was posting about vaccines!
No, no, no I think I’ll just post about vaccines! OK OK OK, I’ve changed my mind… I’m gonna post about vaccines!
OK just listen… I have an idea… How about I post about vaccines!
VACCINES! Why won’t anybody listen to my posts about vaccines!
V A C C I N E S !
Let's talk about your health...
Let me tell you about turmeric
The virus/ vaccine is the key to the globalist orchestrating their Great Reset. The back and forth between covid and vaccines is the primary tool the dark families are using to widdle away nations sovereignty and personal freedom. Not to mention small side objectives like population reduction. I understand people's fatigue on the matter but to ridicule active discussion about the greatest attack in human history... That is still ongoing... Is kinda goofy.
Let's talk about your freedom...
... fill in blank with ex-twenty-two.
The deep state is panicking right now