Corporate America is not our friends and never has been. They determine who gets ahead and who doesn’t. They kill what they want to eat and steal what they want to own. Corporate America is the knife that’s brandished by the cabal. They have been deployed for the current war
I know this is a reach, but technically the company is owned by the shareholders, who elect a board of directors who are instructed to hire management and guide big decisions, and the charge for the BOD is to act in the best interests of the shareholders. Which means make money. So, a BOD promoting or allowing policies which do the opposite should be held accountable by being removed from said board through a vote of the shareholders. Further, they can be sued for negligence and dereliction of duty. Lawyers like to make money as much as anyone, and my prediction is all of this woke bullshit that acts against shareholder profits will be settled/litigated out of the boardrooms eventually, but I have been saying that for a while now and we must remain patient. Personally, I’d rather see the pedo and traitor perp walk to GITMO.
Corporate America is not our friends and never has been. They determine who gets ahead and who doesn’t. They kill what they want to eat and steal what they want to own. Corporate America is the knife that’s brandished by the cabal. They have been deployed for the current war
I know this is a reach, but technically the company is owned by the shareholders, who elect a board of directors who are instructed to hire management and guide big decisions, and the charge for the BOD is to act in the best interests of the shareholders. Which means make money. So, a BOD promoting or allowing policies which do the opposite should be held accountable by being removed from said board through a vote of the shareholders. Further, they can be sued for negligence and dereliction of duty. Lawyers like to make money as much as anyone, and my prediction is all of this woke bullshit that acts against shareholder profits will be settled/litigated out of the boardrooms eventually, but I have been saying that for a while now and we must remain patient. Personally, I’d rather see the pedo and traitor perp walk to GITMO.